
Tuesday, October 28, 2014

That One Old Song

What kind of a blog name is that? Does she even wear glasses? Give it a chance, won’t ya? It stems from my very favorite song, “La Vie En Rose” by Louis Armstrong. Now, I don’t know any French besides this phrase, but it happens to define me. Translated to English, it means seeing life through rose colored glasses. I know what some of you are thinking…“so, you want me to go all Elton John?”  Quit it with the literal view! It means seeing the good in people, the happy in every day, and the sweet moments that too often get pushed aside. Through these new lenses, we can see the good that has been around us all this time.  It seems so simple and cliché, but so am I! I’m stubbornly, sometimes naively optimistic, but I can tell you that I wouldn't have it any other way. Nobody wants to be around a negative person. Even if you’re faking a more positive outlook for a while, you will radiate—as the hipsters would say—“good vibes.”  Wanna know why kids have it made? Why they’re so happy? They get all excited about the smallest things; things you and I don’t notice anymore. For example, little boys squeal with delight in a bubble bath, and little girls notice how pretty the sky is today. Meanwhile, we’re holding their hands and complaining about work, school, and the hassle of scheduling all our activities over the weekend. When’s the last time we thought about how great it is to be able to pay our bills, how amazing it is to receive an education, or how wonderful it is to have people in our lives who want to fill up our weekends? Don’t just stop and smell the roses. Look at your freedoms, your health, your family. (But definitely smell the roses too, because they’re lovely.) Don’t take this life for granted, we only get one. Give it a try and you’ll see what I mean. Today, try putting on those rose colored glasses and look for the good in everyone and everything around you. I promise you will feel better, brighter, and more excited about your life. After all, “life doesn't have to be perfect to be wonderful.”

Give it a listen:
 Doesn't it just make you grin?

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