Dear Stranger Things Season 2,
You were even better than I hoped and lived up to alllll that hype (which was pretty significant since everyone and their dog has seen you). You were so good, in fact, that I forgive you for making me jump so many freaking times. But I also now love Steve Harrington and want to go to a Snow Ball, so thanks for that, too. And the soundtrack?! ...Okay, I'll stop geeking out now. Good work, Duffer Brothers.
Dear Trader Joe's,
Thanks for having the prettiest & wittiest cards for all occasions that are only 99¢. You're enabling my snail mail addiction without emptying my wallet and I love you for it.
Dear Facetime,
You let me see and talk to my cute family all over the country and I'm SO grateful.
Dear flannel sheets,
Please take this as the compliment I intend it to be: you're the reason I don't want to get out of bed in the morning. You create the coziest bed and it's absolutely dreamy! Never change.